Zoltan Harmat, fiu al Sighetului, arhitect al Ierusalimului
🇷🇴 Zoltan “Shimshon” Harmat, născut Stern, arhitect (20 august 1900, Sighet – 1 iunie 1985, Ierusalim)
Elev al gimnaziului piarist (azi Colegiul National Dragoș Vodă) și absolvent al Facultății de Arhitectură din Budapesta. După scurt timp a emigrat în Palestina, iar de acolo venea destul de des să își viziteze familia din Sighet. Familia Stern din Sighet a fost ucisă în Auschwitz.
A fost arhitectul Ierusalimului: a construit clădirea Poştei Centrale, Banca Naţională şi clădirea societăţii de asigurări “Generali”, case pentru locuitorii evrei şi arabi ai Ierusalimului.
Printre cele mai remarcabile se numără hotelul “Holy Land” (Málon Erec Há-C’ví), inaugurat în 1958 cu ocazia împlinirii a zece ani de la înfiinţarea statului Israel.
În semn de apreciere pentru bogata activitate şi contribuţia la dezvoltarea arhitecturală a oraşului, primăria Ierusalimului a decernat lui Harmat Zoltán distincţia Medalia de Aur a Ierusalimului, medalie pe care primarul Teddy Kollek i-a dus-o personal la spitalul “Saarei Tzedek” unde arhitectul sighetean era internat.
🇭🇺 Zoltan “Shimshon” Harmat, született Stern, építész (1900. augusztus 20., Sziget – 1985. június 1., Jeruzsálem)A Piarista Gimnázium (ma Dragoș Vodă Nemzeti Főiskola) tanulója, a budapesti Építészmérnöki Egyetem diákja . Rövid idő után Palesztinába emigrált és onnan gyakran meglátogatta családját Szigeten. A Stern család tagjait Auschwitzban ölték meg.
Ő volt Jeruzsálem építésze: ő tervezte a Központi Posta épületét, a Nemzeti Bankot, a “Generali” biztosító társaság épületét és házakat jeruzsálemi zsidó és arab lakosoknak.
Az egyik legértékesebb épülete a Szentföld Szálló (Málon Erec Há-C’ví), amely 1958-ban nyílt meg Izrael Állam megalakulásának tizedik évfordulója alkalmából.
Gazdag munkája és a város építészeti fejlődéséhez való hozzájárulása elismeréseként a jeruzsálemi városháza Harmat Zoltánt a Jeruzsálemi Aranyéremmel tüntette ki, amelyet Teddy Kollek polgármester személyesen vitt el a “Saare Tzedek” Kórházba, ahol a szigeti épitész volt beutalva.
🏴 Zoltan “Shimshon” Harmat, born Stern, architect (August 20, 1900, Sighet – June 1, 1985, Jerusalem)
Student of the Piarist Gymnasium (today Dragoș Vodă National College) and graduate of the Faculty of Architecture in Budapest. After a short time he emigrated to Palestine and from there he came quite often to visit his family in Sighet. The Stern family from Sighet was killed in Auschwitz.
He was the architect of Jerusalem: he built the building of the Central Post Office, the National Bank and the building of the insurance company “Generali”, houses for the Jewish and Arab inhabitants of Jerusalem.One of the most notable is the Holy Land Hotel (Málon Erec Há-C’ví), which opened in 1958 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the State of Israel.
In recognition of his rich work and contribution to the city’s architectural development, Jerusalem City Hall awarded Harmat Zoltán the Gold Medal of Jerusalem, which Teddy Kollek personally took to the “Saare Tzedek” Hospital, the place were the architect was at that moment.
ℹ Ioan J Popescu/Wiki