Local History

Republica Huțulă

🇷🇴 Republica Huțulă a fost un stat efemer care a existat în 1919 în perioada dezmembrării Imperiului Austro-Ungar. Republica a fost proclamată la 8 ianuarie 1919. Stepan Klociurak a fost ales prim-ministru al Republicii Huțule. El a fost activ și în organizarea forțelor armate ale republicii care cuprindeau aproape 1.000 de soldați.

🇭🇺 A Hucul Köztársaság egy, az első világháború után létrejött rövid életű állam. A köztársaságot 1919. január 8-án kiáltották ki. A román csapatok június 11-én elfoglalták Kőrösmezőt, ezzel a Hucul Köztársaság megszűnt létezni.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 The Hutsul Republic was a short-lived state that has existed in 1919 when the Austro-Hungarian Empire was living its final days. The Republic was proclaimed on the 8th of January 1919. Stepan Klociurak was elected as the Prime-Minister of the Hutsul Republic. He was also active in the organization of the armed forces of the Republic, which at that time had around 1.000 soldiers.

FOTO Teofil Ivanciuc

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