Local History

Gara din Sighetu Marmației

🇷🇴 Gara din Sighet a fost construită între anii 1893 – 1897.
Din gara Sighet se putea ajunge la Hust și de acolo mai departe spre alte zone ale Imperiului. La începutul secolului XX din gara Sighet porneau două trenuri zilnic spre Budapesta.

🇭🇺 A szigeti pályaudvar 1893 és 1897 között épült.
A szigeti vasútállomásról Huszt irányába indult a vonat, onnan pedig a birodalom többi részébe. A 20. század elején naponta két vonat indult a szigeti vasútállomásról Budapestre.

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 The Sighet railway station was built between 1893 and 1897.
From Sighet station you could reach Hust and from there to other parts of the Empire. At the beginning of the 20th century, two trains departed daily from Sighet station to Budapest.

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