Cetatea Hust, perla Coroanei
🇷🇴 Se presupune că Ludovic I a ridicat cetatea Hust prin anii 1349-1350. Când ne referim la Maramureşul medieval, „perla Coroanei” a fost cetatea Hustului, situată la 50 km de Sighet.
Pe 3 iulie 1768 un trăznet provoacă explozia pulberăriei. Cetatea Hust este distrusă.
În 1777 aceasta este definitiv părăsită şi demantelată (pietrele demolate slujind la construirea bisericii romano-catolice din oraşul de la poale), tunurile şi maşinile de luptă salvate fiind mutate în cetatea Kosice (Slovacia de azi).
În 1788 o puternică furtună cu fulgere şi vânturi năpraznice a pus la pământ ceea ce a mai rămas din castel.
🇭🇺 Állítólag I. Lajos 1349-1350-ben építette Huszt erődjét. Amikor a középkori Máramarosra utalunk, a “korona gyöngyszeme” a Huszt erőd volt, amely Máramarosszigetről 50 km-re található.
1768. július 3-án villámcsapás érte a pusakporraktárt és a Huszti vár felrobbant.
1777-ben végleg elhagyták és szétszerelték (a lerombolt köveket a város római katolikus templomának épitéséhez vitték), a megmentett ágyúkat és harci gépeket Kassa (a mai Szlovákia) erődjébe költöztették.
1788-ban erős villámlás és erős szél vihar pusztította el a vár megmaradt bástyáit.
🏴 It is believed that Ludovic I built the Hust Castle around 1349-50. When we are referring to medieval Maramures, the “crown jewel” was the Hust castle, situated approximately 50km near Sighet.
On the 3rd of July 1768, a lightning strike caused the explosion of the powder room, which led to the destruction of the castle.
In 1777, the castle is left indefinitely and dismantled (the removed rocks were used for the construction of the Roman Catholic church located in the town at the bottom of the castle), whilst the cannons and the fighting machines were moved to Kosice (in today’s Slovakia).
In 1788, a powerful storm with lightning strikes and powerful winds pit down whatever was left of the castle.
Foto galleryarcana – Teofil Ivanciuc – wikipedia