Grün Miklósné (doamna Grün)
Nu știm multe despre doamna Grün. A fost soția lui Grün Miklós, iar după deportarea din anul 1944 li se pierde urma. În urma unor cercetări am concluzionat că s-ar putea să fie vorba despre Grün Ilona sau Grün Leah. Portretul doamnei Grün este parte a expoziției Vecinii mei, evreii.
Grün Miklósnéről nem tudunk sok mindent. Grün Miklós felesége volt és az 1944-es deportálás után nyomaik elvesznel. Némi kutatás után arra a következtetésre jutottam, hogy Grün Ilona vagy Grün Leah lehet a képen. Grün Miklósné portréja a Szomszédaim, a zsidók című kiállítás része.
We don’t know much about Ms. Grün. She was the wife of Grün Miklós and after the deportation in 1944, they information about them is lost. After some research I concluded that it could be Grün Ilona or Grün Leah. Mrs. Grün’s portrait is part of the exhibition My Neighbors, Jews.

Foto US Holocaust Memorial Musem – Suba Zoltán