My neighbours the Jews

Doamna Freund

Știm, din infromațiile fotografului, că a fost nevasta lui Freund József, un croitor apreciat în orașul Baia Mare. Din păcate nu am reușit să îi aflăm prenumele, probabil să fie Cecilia. Familia Freund a fost deportată de administrația maghiară în vara anului 1944. Au ajuns în lagărul de exterminare Auschwitz. Din informații disponibile la ora actuală putem afirma cu siguranță că au fost uciși de naziști.

A fotós információi alapján tudjuk, hogy ő Freund József, egy Nagybányán nagyra becsült szabó felesége volt. Sajnos nem sikerült megtudnunk a keresztnevét, valószínűleg Cecília lehetett. A Freund családot a magyar közigazgatás 1944 nyarán deportálta. Auschwitzba, a megsemmisítő táborba kerültek. A jelenlegi információk alapján biztosan kijelenthetjük, hogy a nácik meggyilkolták őket.

Based on the photographer’s information, we know that she was the wife of Freund József, a highly respected tailor in the city of Baia Mare(now Romania). Unfortunately, we have not been able to determine her first name, though it was likely Cecilia. The Freund family was deported by the Hungarian administration in the summer of 1944. They were sent to Auschwitz, the extermination camp. Based on the currently available information, we can state with certainty that they were murdered by the Nazis.

Foto US Holocaust Memorial Museum – Suba Zoltán

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